Onzo | SEK Letterbox Packaging

Pack, Protect & Post.

Onzo | SEK Letterbox Packaging
Onzo Smart Energy Kit Letterbox Packaging | Source: Onzo Ltd

100% recycled, 1-piece sustainable packaging with guaranteed protection from 1.6m drops. Designed to fit through all UK letterboxes to ensure seamless customer adoption and then engage and guide system installation and use with minimum fuss.


  • Red Dot Design Award.
  • Posted directly through over 150,000 UK homes.
  • Raised over $30M in investment.
  • Hardware division sold to Scottish Southern Electric (now OVO Energy).


  • 2008 - 2012: Co-Founder & Creative Director / Head of Industrial & Service Design, Onzo
  • Partners: SSE, Enel, Essent, Mercury Energy
Responsible for: Packaging & Project Management / User Research / Original Packaging Invention / Ergonomics / Service Design / Design for Manufacture / Sustainable Design / Testing